Mando to bridge skills gap at BIMA Digital Day
The BIMA Digital Day on November 8th is an attempt to bridge this skills gap, as eight of Mando's experts will spend time with around 240 Year 10 students from The Studio School at their Liverpool campus.
Meet the team - Kayleigh Goffett, Project Manager
Meet Kayleigh Goffett, a project manager at Mando. Learn about the importance of 24/7/365 support for businesses and how Mando's support services ensure continuity of services. Discover why Mando is a great place to work and how they can help your business on the path to digital transformation.
How to deliver against a digital roadmap through accessible content
How to deliver against a digital roadmap quicker through accessible content. Here are the 10 key questions to ask when looking to expand your digital content and improve UX.
Key concepts for digital transformation - DTX Conference Roundup
Here are our key takeaways from DTX and how you can leverage them against your strategy, digital roadmap and future planning.
Benefits of Test Automation for Agile Development
Imagine it’s one of the later sprints in a digital project, there are a host of new components to push through the development phase and implement on the live site – but what about the test environment and the checks that need to be made in terms of regression?
The benefits of outsourcing when struggling to hire digital talent
Working with an agency takes away much of the pain in this area as there is more likely to be a full set of technical experts in a dedicated organisation and a staff base that is continually looking at trends to stay ahead of the curve.
What you need to know about Google Analytics 4 Automated Migration
If you are using Google Analytics to measure the performance of your website or app, then by now you should be aware that the current version of Google Analytics, known as Universal Analytics, is being sun-setted, and that data collection will stop on July 1, 2023.
Benefits of adopting a product mindset
Here at Mando, we often talk about how to get the most from your strategy. One of the biggest changes you can make is to switch your focus from a project mindset to a product one.
Product not projects – a new way of thinking for 2023
The pandemic, and its wake, have increased the demand for more effective, inclusive, and responsive digital services that meet a new threshold for acceptable customer experience (CX)